Officer Meeting Minutes
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Summary of Officer Meeting on Friday 09/13: 1. The next general body meeting is Wed. 9/18 during free hour in Sondheim 118. - We will discuss the results of the Survey Monkey and break into...
Summary of Officer Meeting on Friday 09/20: 1. Majority voted Friday 1-2PM biweekly general body meetings, officer meetings will be held during Free hour on the Wednesday of that GBM week...
- We should start publicizing kayaking trip -I will start announcing dates for events -Kayaking 4/27/13 changed to 4/13/13 (Now 5/4/13) -Moss painting -Paddle & Scoop -Aquarium service...
-We signed a thank you card for Jack Perdue -2 meetings left; one April 17, one May 1st -April 17- SGA senator will come in to talk -May 1st we will hold officer elections -We'll pass out notes...
- The waste management trip has been planned for Friday, February 8th at noon. - Meeting locations next semester will be in Sondheim 209. -The final meeting, scheduled this Wednesday the...
-Finance board is running out of money (<$20,000). If we ask for money, we must do so this week -Next Wednesday, we will talk about the treasurer position, as we need one. -Kayaking April...
- Kevin will make flyers for the Jack Perdue event, hopefully by Tuesday - Kevin will choose a room for the event; we are leaning on 767-1 in the library - Kevin will speak to Dr. B about...
- Next general body meeting will be held 12:00pm- 1:00pm on Wednesday the 7th. Following this, there will be only two more; one on the 11/28 and one on 12/5. - Next general body meeting, we...
-I will make flyers for the forester, and hand them to Jasmine tomorrow at 12pm -I will choose a room from 7-8pm for next Monday -I will speak to Dr. B about advertisement. For...
1. 9/11 Meeting Agenda – 12-1pm; SOND 108 - sit in half circle; officers don’t sit together - go around circle with introductions; officers go first - “link-up” ice breaker – Shanell will...
-We will utilize the board more during meetings. -Kelley will ask Dr. Biehler and Dr. Holland if they can attend a meeting -Possible rate-my-professor session March 6th -"Ted Talks" during the...
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