Geography and Environmental Systems Council of Majors
Student Organization • 20 people
Files / Officer Meeting Minutes

Officer Meeting Minutes - Fri. Sept.13.2013

Summary of Officer Meeting on Friday 09/13:

1. The next general body meeting is Wed. 9/18 during free hour in Sondheim 118.
- We will discuss the results of the Survey Monkey and break into Committees.
- Each committee will discuss what events they want to plan for the year, what time of year they want to do them, when people can come, and what needs to be done to plan the events.
- Each committee is chaired by one of the officers. Officers will report back at the officer meeting what each committee decides.

2. The next officer meeting is Fri. 9/20 from 1-2pm in the library atrium.

3. We discussed officer roles.  Please see attached document.

4. We will hopefully all be meeting with Maggie the week of 9/23.  Please complete the Doodle Poll I sent out tonight for your availability.

5. If you have not already, please complete the Survey Monkey poll.

6. Discussed GES CoM Officer Duties for 2013.