Geography and Environmental Systems Council of Majors
Student Organization • 20 people
Files / Officer Meeting Minutes

Officer Meeting Minutes - Fri. Sept.20.2013

Summary of Officer Meeting on Friday 09/20:

1. Majority voted Friday 1-2PM biweekly general body meetings, officer meetings will be held during Free hour on the Wednesday of that GBM week

2. Events decided upon for Fall 2013
-October Scavenger Hunt
-November Panel Night with Professionals
-Study Party (date TBD)
-Ted Talks (date TBD)

3. UMBC Homecoming Spirit Banner
-send out email for anyone interested and about decorating times
-gathering materials for banner
-ready for pick-up Sept. 23rd and must be returned no later than 4pm on Oct. 2nd
-judging and voting take place Oct. 4th

4. Powershift Oct. 2013
-make sure email gets forwarded
-contact is Rob Barrett

5. For October 4th GBM
-will have guest speaker talk about their research

6. Meeting with Maggie will be Sept. 27 from 12-1PM or 1-2PM