1. Tell us a little about yourself…
My name is Joe, and I’ve been a PASS/SI leader for three semesters now. I lead sessions for CHEM 101 and 102 and PHYS 121. I come from Frederick County, MD, and I am a junior and a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major here at UMBC. I hope to one day become a biology and/or chemistry teacher, and so am also studying for that.
2. Tell us about how you are involved on campus.
Being an SI leader is a large commitment on my part, but when I’m not leading sessions I play tuba in the UMBC Pep Band. I’m also a TA in the Chemistry Discovery Center.
3. How and why did you get involved in being a SI/PASS Leader?
I was referred to SI/PASS through a friend of mine who was also an SI/PASS leader at the time, but I really became involved with it because of my desire to teach. I’ve been seeking out teaching-related internships and programs to further that end.
4. What is your favorite thing about being a SI/PASS Leader?
Teaching is its own reward, and my favorite thing about being an SI leader is being able to help out other students. There really is such a great feeling that comes with helping others.
5. Why should students utilize SI/PASS Sessions?
Students attend SI/PASS sessions to better understand the course material, but also to learn important study techniques. Students come who either have difficulty with the material and need help or understand the material and want to help others. SI/PASS will help all students.
6. What advice would you give students about how to prepare for a SI/PASS session?
Bring any questions you may have about any of the material, or even things regarding class logistics. Be prepared to help answer other students’ questions as well, because the best way to learn is to teach.
7. When and where can someone work with you through the Writing Center?
My Chem 101 sessions are Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00-11:50 AM in UC 115.
Hope to see you there!