Title: Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers in Materials for Society
Materials science is the enabling technology behind everything from modern electronics to fashion, safe and recyclable packaging, faster and fuel-efficient vehicles, novel energy generation and storage, aerospace propulsion systems, affordable housing, medical engineering, sensors, nanotechnology, and micromachines. One of the most exciting directions in science and policy-making is sustainability, with its emphasis on energy conservation, storage, and renewable production.
The objective of this Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at Boise State University is to provide an intensive research-team experience with state-of-the-art facilities while exploring activities within the theme “materials for society.” Mentors from various disciplines work with students to develop skills needed to excel in academic and industrial research environments, where interdisciplinary teams are standard. Students ultimately present their results at the annual summer research conference.
The program runs from May 25 - July 28, 2017
The deadline is FEBRUARY 12, 2017
Benefits include a $500 stipend per week during the run of the program.
Research Projects
Projects generally fall into one or more of four broad categories:
- Energy generation (e.g., solar cells, magnetic shape-memory alloys, thermoelectrics)
- Energy storage (e.g., sodium-ion batteries, building systems)
- Energy conservation (e.g., carbon nanoelectronics)
- Societal challenges associated with materials processing/modeling/characterization (e.g., carbon nanoelectronics, empirical modeling)
Click on the link below to read more about this opportunity and see if you are eligible to apply. For help with applying, please contact Dr. April Householder, Director of Undergraduate Research and Nationally Competitive Scholarships at aprilh@umbc.edu.