Sectionals Info:
Leaving from Erk. Lot at 6:50am
Address: Lake Fairfax Park, 1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston VA.
Game Schedule:
9:00 - GW
10:30 - American
12:00 - Salisbury
1:30 - Georgetown
As a team we are at a fantastic position coming into sectionals. If we stay chilly and play like we have the last two weeks of practice we're going to surprise a lot of teams this weekend.
If you're going to the Breeze game afterwards (which I hope you will, it's gonna be awesome and only $5 admission) we'll go into the city, get some noms and then make our way to Gallaudet so bring a change of clothes for that. Going back to UMBC and then down to D.C. again would be silly.
On a personal note, this is my last tournament with Booya, in all the ways I've grown and changed in the last 5 years, I've done it with Booya. I love you guys, I love this team. I'm incredibly proud to be a part of it and to have helped it grow into what it is today. I'll probably get an elephant tattoo in a couple years when I really start missing you guys.
And remember: (see attached photo...)