I've been told by the school that we've got to hold elections for admin positions by the end of April. This is quite far away, but I would like you to express interest in being a leader of the team to either Colby or me. I've talked to some people but I need you guys to let me know that you're still interested. This team cannot be what it is without people to lead it. We will hold a meeting for those interested in positions the week after sectionals (April 13-17) with an exact date TBD. A generally body meeting (GBM as the cool kids call it) will be during the last week of April (April 27-31).
In other news: make sure you're on the facebook page Booya Ultimate and following the twitter. If you're not on it or don't know how to get notifications for our twitter, please text me or something, if you don't know my number you're not trying hard enough.
Make sure you're coming out to practices AND conditioning if you want to play at Sectionals, we're building a competitive team and we want you to be part of it but we need to play together, learn together, and workout together.
Throw a bunch, hydrate, watch a lot of ultimate.
To all the Rookies: sectionals is the biggest tournament of your young ultimate careers, get pumped, get ready, do what you need to do. But always remember, you're part of this team and we expect you to perform as well as everyone else
To all the Vets: There's no possible way sectionals can be any worse than last year, let's make it awesome.
Love forever and ever,