AP | Chris Turner | Joey Ricks |
Ben Price | Collin | Kevin Hayes |
Ben Rampolla | Dale | Keys |
Ben Sparklin | Ian | Kyle |
BJ | Indy | Max |
Brad | Jared | Nick Rabuck |
Brady | Jason | Ronnie |
Leo will be there for Saturday and Clarkson will for the whole weekend. Yahoo coaches!
Timeline for the weekend:
Friday 3-6 Practice! Be there.
Friday 7-9ish Lacrosse game. Student org with most attendees gets $200. LETS GET FREE MONEY!!
Friday 9:30ish. All cars except Jasons leave for my house in Frederick.
8355 Jordan Valley Way, Frederick MD 21702. My house is 20minutes closer to the fields. Shazam will be staying there as well. Great team bonding time.
Tournament Address:
14460 Hughes Rd, Poolesville, MD 20837 |
Saturday 6:50am Jason's car meets at Erk Circle and is on the road at 7:00
Saturday 7:15am All cars leave from Brad's house for the tournament.
Saturday 8:00am Warmups
Sat. 9:00 1st game against Edinboro
Sat 10:45 2nd game against Deleware
Sat 12:30 3rd game against Rochester
Sat 2:15 4th game against Dartmouth
Sat 4:00 Head back to Brad's house with Shazam for some yummy home cooked chili, ping pong, foosball, back porch fire, & board games. Except for Jason's car. His car goes back to Baltimore so he can learn about the birds and the bees.
Sunday We will derf have games at 9:15 and 11:00 possibly ones at 12:45 and 2:15 as well depending on how we do.
Rules of play:
- Games to 15 both days.
- Soft cap at 75 minutes, hard cap at 85 min.
- One timeout per half, one floater.
NEVER DRIVE ON THE GRASS. they'll cancel the tournament if anyone does. Stay on the dirt road, they'll be cops to direct you where to park.
Bring lots of water! They won't have any available so bring it!
Bring a sleeping bag for Brad's house.
Eat lots of fruit, veggies and pasta tomorrow and over hydrate.
Carpooling: We'll be figuring this out in the morning, but from memory, here are the possible drivers : Jason, Ronnie, Brad(Hallie's car), Keys, Colby, Brady.
If you can drive and aren't on the above list, or if you cannot drive and you are on the list, let Brad know. If no one tells Brad anything we're sticking with these drivers. That makes 4 cars of 4ppl and 1 car of 5ppl.
Here's the tournament website if you wanna check it out yourself: