I hope you enjoyed my first post about high tide and are loving our beach house.
I want to clarify our roster.
The 25 people on the initial roster were chosen based off of Fall attendance and skill level. That was preliminary so they could get the discounted hat tourney fee. At the end of February, I will send out the finalized roster.
While high tide is an awesome fun time, it's for people that earn it. Make sure you're coming out to practices and tournaments. Don't assume that If you paid for the hat tourney you're guaranteed to play. If you don't show up to practices in the spring, you won't be at high tide and I'll reimburse you the $10. If all 40 of you fine gents are coming to practices and working hard then we'll take the top 25-30. Of those, there will be a subset 18 players who will get the majority of playing time.
Fight to be in that top 18.