Just a quick update on the meeting I had hinted at last week. It's been a busy week for me so we'll be pushing back the meeting to Sunday at 4PM in Math/Psych 106. This will be a general body meeting so I need everyone interested in playing in the Spring to be there. Here are a few topics we'll be discussing:
-High Tide
-Winter Workouts
-Proposed tournament schedule for Spring semester
-Practice schedule for Spring semester
-Proposed Offense and presentation
As you can see, there are a number of important things we'll be going over and it would be advantageous for everyone to be there. Additionally, as a reminder, jersey money is due today. If you haven't had the chance to see Bob and pay him, feel free to bring the money on Sunday since I know all of you will be there. Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to seeing you all shortly.