Hey awesome SEA peeps!
Last meeting we discussed our plans for EcoFest, Jug Bay, UNICEF tap project, and Samaritan Women (an organization that helps women who have been victims of trafficking).
Here is a run-down of what we have going on (sorry it's kinda long):
Prove It!: Thank you to everyone who voted in ProveIt! Unfortunately, we weren't one of the winners (but the teams that were, Drive-Less and The Garden are awesome campaigns). We are still planning on implementing Retriever Treasure despite not winning the money. We will send out emails in the future updating you on where we are in this process and how you can help.
Bake Sale: We will be having a bake sale to fundraise for EcoFest, this Tuesday, April 8 during free hour (note the date change), in the Breezeway. We would love your help! This can be in the form of providing baked goods to sell and/or by manning the bake sale during free hour on Tuesday. Let us know at the meeting how you would like to help.
Stormwater Stenciling: I have an update from Jessica. She said "Please tell the SEA that I have a few weekend dates that would work to pass out the brochures and work on the stenciling. I need to set a separate date for each; homeowners need time to read and be aware that stenciling will occur. On Saturday, April 19 from 10am-1 we could pass out the brochures and then on a Sunday, April 27 we can do the stenciling (dates are negotiable either 10am-1, or 1- 4pm. I'm trying not to do May as I realize that UMBC has their finals around the 15th, but if people prefer an earlier date in May I'd be willing to do Saturday May 10th from 1-4. Let the voting begin!" If you are interested in this awesome project, please let us know which dates you would prefer. We will bring this up at tomorrow's meeting (and possibly create a poll on myumbc).
Monday, April 21: Showing TED talks and The Lorax (TV version) in the Sportszone 7-10 pm. with a DIY popcorn station. We will also have discussions of the TED talks.
Tuesday, April 22: DIY Crafts, Commons Terrace 11-2, making planters, buttons, reusable bags, etc.
Wednesday, April 23: The Big EcoFest festival on the Quad, 11-2
Please contact on-campus orgs that you are affiliated with about going. Any group that would like to come needs to fill out this RSVP form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ff-IUYoAEK82FwfGTi4ERuwHAguBWiFbF3cLbDawnJo/viewform
**Orgs we discussed contacting: Steel drum band, Crew/CrU (spelling?), NSCS, JSU, Intervarsity, Catholic Retrievers, Lutheran Campus Ministries, Musical Theatre Club, Samaritan Women**
Thursday, April 24: Scavenger Hunt and/or CERA hike (1/2 hr - 1 1/2 hr), possibly led by Dr. Parker
Disney Movie Night!, in Erickson
Campus Activities Fair: Saturday, April 12, 8-11:15 (more details to come)
Thank you to everyone who signed up for these activities. By Wednesday, I will send out emails with more specific details to those that signed up for these initiatives, letting them know what will need to be done.
Next meeting:
12:05 - Icebreaker
12:15 - Sign-Ups We will send around the sign-up sheets again for EcoFest and the New Student Activities Fair for those that didn't get a chance to sign up.
12:20 - EcoFest advertising updates: Updates on where we are with EcoFest advertising and what still needs to be done.
12:30 - Jug Bay Report: We will hear from those who went to Jug Bay about how it went.
12:40 - Updates: We will give updates on all other projects. We would also love to give you all the chance to bring up anything you would like to discuss or see get done.
We hope to see you all Monday!
~ Kirsten
Other Events:
What: Gallery Reception and Conversation-Meal (A Full Plate, Charlotte Keniston's MFA thesis project)
When: Tuesday, April 8, 5-7
Where: The Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture, UMBC
Description: For the past 18 months I have been working on A Full Plate, my MFA thesis project. The project involved dozens of workshops with people from many neighborhoods of Baltimore. In the workshops, participants discussed their personal food stories and the food stories of their families and communities and then painted ceramic dinner plates to reflect those conversations. All of the 300+ plates are finished and are being prepped for their gallery debut at The Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). I will be hosting a gallery reception, with a conversation-meal, for all of the plate-painters and other food-interested people on April 8th from 5-7pm at UMBC. This is a great opportunity to see the project, connect with many food advocates, and to share and hear stories. There will be time to view the plates (and the work of other UMBC MFA students), and then a family-style conversation meal and a chance to interact with the plate-painters. Please consider attending!
Please use the following link to RSVP on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/events/1422841421292650/?notif_t=plan_user_joined.
You are welcome to bring your community group, friends or family, just note that in a comment on the Facebook event when you join so that there will be enough food. If you do not have Facebook, email your RSVP tocskeniston@gmail.com
You are welcome to bring your community group, friends or family, just note that in a comment on the Facebook event when you join so that there will be enough food. If you do not have Facebook, email your RSVP tocskeniston@gmail.com
Meetings are every Monday during free hour in Commons 329 or 331 and end at 12:45 - 12:50. Officer Meetings are open to all, and are at 8pm on Tuesday on the couches by Commonvision. If you'd like to send something to the group, send it as a reply to this email and I will distribute it.
http://my.umbc.edu/groups/sea (myumbc group)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/338826432839133/ (Facebook group)