Joint Committee on AELR 9/23/13
posted over 11 years ago
In the left menu choose, "2013 Joint Hearing Room", and watch / listen to the meetings from 9/23/13.
This is a public hearing that is still going on as I am posting this.
After the law was passed, the regulations are written in more plain English that law enforcement use to determine how to enforce the law.
The problem is that the regulations are an interpretation of the law, completed by humans, who are fallible... and boy did they fail.
The people you see at these meetings are your advocates, they are just like you and me and took the day off work today to fight on our behalf. Take note of which senators are with us and against us. You need to remove the bad apples with your votes.
The pro-2a advocates generally out number the anti-gun goofballs 10:1, to be fair we have to let them speak too. They are wrapping up now.