A few items of interest
Just have a grab bag of stuff that might be useful.
posted over 11 years ago
I don't know how much of this everyone will be interested in, but a found a few different items online that some people might want to view. I haven't had time to read the book or study, but they both could be interesting; especially the book. I will be curious what people think about all of these.
For the book and the study, you can use your log in for myUMBC to access them:
The UMBC library was advertising this, I don't know much new information it will have: (you may have to go and log in and then click the link again to go to the study's page)
We Will Shoot Back by Akinyele Omowale Umoja:
Also there is a beta for a site that will try to allow people to digitally create/recreate a build to test for compatibility, currently it only does AR-15s and has a grab bag selection of parts: