Recruiting Techiniques for Student Orgs
Why Should We Join Your Org?
posted about 12 years ago
So you're recruiting for your org. You love your group. So why don't new people show up to your first meeting? Let's think through 2 things: what are you saying and where are you saying it.
1) What Are You Saying?
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." – Maya Angelou
Think about the Maya Angelou quote below. When you went to your first group meeting how did the group make you feel? What led you to stick around? Maybe you met some people who shared your interests. Maybe you saw upperclassmen who wanted to include you in interesting projects. Maybe an officer told you they wanted to hear your ideas.
How can you communicate how you will make people feel in your advertisements?
2) Where Are You Saying It?
Consider putting together a marketing document that you can pass to future officers. Tell them about how to sign up for Involvement Fest and how to run a successful table, tell them how to get in touch with RAs and Woolies, describe the phrases you use in your facebook/twitter/tumblr/myumbc/myumbc spotlight ads, and list out all the group you contact to collaborate with in recruiting new members.
Maybe you found that it's better to recruit people interested in environmental issues when all the Green and environmental awareness groups team up for a big recruitment event. Maybe you learned new students come out in droves when your first meeting is organized as a way to meet other people in your major and talk to upperclassmen about good classes to take. Would you have wanted this information when you started as a new officer?
Marketing and recruitment is unique to each type of student org.
What works for your group?
(edited about 12 years ago)