You do not have to be an electrical engineer to be a part of IEEE: everyone
is welcome, with the only requirement being to have a passion for the
advancement of technology!
Candidates Running:
David EisenMy name is David Eisen and I am running for re-election to chair of the IEEE branch here at UMBC. I am a senior Computer Engineering major and URA scholar, as well as a member of the Honor's College and Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society. As the current chair of the undergraduate branch, I already have experience in managing a student organization and working with the SGA and IEEE headquarters to ensure our chapter has every resource available to achieve our common goals. If re-elected, I promise to continue promoting the organization and engaging the general body members in new and exciting projects and social events.
Vice Chair:
Liban Miller
My name is Liban Miller, and I am currently a rising Junior as a CMPE
Major. So far this past year as a new transfer student, IEEE has made
the most strides in educating me in the most comfortable and inviting
way possible. The events in technology (such as the arduino workshop and
the AOL discussion) made me more interested in my major as the semester
went on, and the reminders of Career Fairs and their preparation
seminars have made me a more professional student. With these
foundations laid down before, I believe that UMBC can grow this chapter
even more by having the IEEE find more ways to retain and keep the
interest of students while fostering a culture that is encourages team
cooperation, professionalism, and overall encouragement of positive
progress. As Vice President of the National Board I will strive to
retain more members in the chapter by inviting more participation
between members in creating teams for competitions or participating in
more beneficial workshops, similar to the Arduino workshop currently
running. With your help we can make a strong IEEE chapter, which in turn
will make sure that it will create a stronger, more professional you.
Sekar Kulandaival
My name is Sekar Kulandaivel and I am a rising junior Computer Engineering major as well as a Meyerhoff and URA scholar. As a member of IEEE since December 2012 and as the current undergraduate secretary, I have constantly supported our organization by being an active and enthusiastic executive board member. I was the Project Lead for the Spring 2013 Robotic Rover project and I am currently leading the Arduino Workshop for its second successful semester. Within the past year, I have gained experience with developing engaging workshops for our members as well as retrieving funds from the SGA Finance Board. After presenting to the SGA board for the Arduino Workshop, I have brought the organization about $10,000 of funding for workshop materials and lab equipment. As Vice Chair of the undergraduate branch, I will be dedicated to pursuing a better future for UMBC's IEEE as we strive towards developing a larger and more professional engineering organization.
Duy TangMy name is Duy Tang. I will be entering my sophomore year in the Fall of 2014 and I am running for Treasurer of IEEE. As Treasurer, I will work with the other members of the board to provide funding for various activities for our society. I am currently a member of the quadrocopter project, because of that my goal is to work with the SGA to establish more funds for future projects. In addition, I aim to form more socials with other engineering societies for more collaboration on ideas for new projects. By appointing me as treasurer I will insure that funds will continue to be used in a responsible and appropriate way.
Sheung Lu
My name is Sheung Lu and I am running for Treasurer of the Undergraduate board. I am a Computer Engineering Major and Meyerhoff Scholar going into my Junior year. As the National treasurer for UMBC IEEE since Spring 2013 I have helped IEEE acquire the funds needed for our ventures, like the Arduino Workshop for both Fall 2013 (about $2,500) and Spring 2014(about $10,000) semesters as well as teach for the Arduino workshop as a co-instructor. Through IEEE I have developed a passion for technology and a strong sense of contribution to this community of intelligent ambitious engineers. As Treasurer I will continue to support and expand IEEE by finding funding for more exciting workshops and intriguing projects. I have already begun discussions with companies like Northrup Grumman for funding for our various brilliant ideas.
Johnathan McGee
My name is Jonathan McGee, and I am a Sophomore in Computer Engineering. I am running for Secretary of the IEEE, because I want to help expand the undergraduate organization at UMBC through projects and activities. As Secretary of the Undergraduate Branch, I will keep in touch with the undergraduate members and let them know about the projects and activities that are available. I will also poll the members for new ideas about possible competitions, projects, and learning experiences. I am currently leading a group for the Quadrocopter project in IEEE this semester and hope to expand on this project. I will also help to connect the IEEE with other clubs, like Retriever Robotics, and help to create activities and socials with those groups. I would like to be part of the Board to help increase interest and involvement in all that the IEEE has to offer.
Officer at Large:
Oleksandr AleksandrovychMy name is Oleksandr Aleksandrovych, and I am a sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering. I want to encourage my fellow students to get as much as they can from what is available to them, the same way I was. UMBC's IEEE branch offers many opportunities and, as Officer at Large, I want to share them with others and challenge and spur those interested to engage themselves in extracurricular activities that can only benefit them.
Lisa MathewsI am a Computer Science PhD student and the current Treasurer for the UMBC IEEE GSB. I have worked with the other IEEE officers as well as other sources like different student organizations and Career Services to bring about events like the Welcome Back Picnic, Job Search Workshop, and AOL AdTech Talk. If elected as Chair, I will continue the efforts to increase graduate student participation and host events that would be of interest to UMBC graduate students.
Vice Chair:
Neha Sardesai
My name is Neha Sardesai and I have been a graduate student in UMBC for the past three years. I started with my Masters in Electrical Engineering in August 2011, and worked with Dr. Morris as a Research Assistant till I defended my thesis on 21st August 2013. Since then, I switched professors and now work with Dr. Kostov in the CAST (Center for Advanced Sensors Technology) Lab, and am working towards getting a PhD in Electrical Engineering.
I wish to contest the IEEE elections this year for the post of ‘Vice-Chair’. I believe I am a good candidate for this position as I have the leadership qualities and the networking skills to make a difference to the IEEE branch this year.
Jorge TeixeiraI am a Graduate Student in the Electrical Engineering PhD program and have been the Chair for UMBC IEEE GSB for the past two years. I led the branch relaunch effort, in coordination with the USB and SB, and am now stepping down as Chair but want to stay connected, so I am running for Treasurer, overseeing our finances and helping the Executive Board to come up with more Grad Student specific events.
Yatish JoshiI am a Computer Engineering PhD student at UMBC. I am the current vice-chair of IEEE graduate branch. Since the relaunch I've helped expand IEEE activities and host events like the LinkedIn Workshop,AOL visit,Latex Workshop alongside social events like the welcome back picnic and high-tea. If elected as secretary, my main goal for next year is to increase Graduate Student participation levels by further promoting our activities, including Graduate Student specific events and industry networking opportunities.
David Eisen
My name is David Eisen and I am running for re-election to chair of the
IEEE branch here at UMBC. I am a senior Computer
Engineering major and URA scholar, as well as a member of the Honor's
College and Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society. As the current chair
of the undergraduate branch, I already have experience in managing a
student organization and working with the SGA and IEEE headquarters to
ensure our chapter has every resource available to achieve our common
goals. If re-elected, I promise to continue promoting the organization
and engaging the general body members in new and exciting projects and
social events
Vice Chair:
Sheung Lu
My name is Sheung Lu and I am running for Vice Chair of the National board. I am a Computer Engineering Major and Meyerhoff Scholar going into my Junior year. As the National treasurer for UMBC IEEE since Spring 2013 I have helped IEEE acquire the funds needed for our ventures, like the Arduino Workshop for both Fall 2013 (about $2,500) and Spring 2014(about $10,000) semesters as well as teach for the Arduino workshop as a co-instructor. Through IEEE I have developed a passion for technology and a strong sense of contribution to this community of intelligent ambitious engineers. As Vice Chair I will continue to support and expand IEEE in new and exciting ways by providing more beneficial workshops like the LinkedIn workshop or Career Fair preparations and even offering a raspberry pi/ Arduino workshop co-hosted by the Council of Computing Majors. This way IEEE will be an active part engineering community by hosting events and projects with other clubs as well as well as fostering professionalism and passion for engineering and learning.
Liban MillerMy name is Liban Miller and I am currently a rising Junior as a CMPE Major. Before I transferred to UMBC, I had experience dealing with finances as an Assistant Legislative Intern at the Maryland General Assembly making sure the budgets that my Delegate asked for were always maintained. I even coordinated the scholarship committee's holdings for over 100 scholarship applicants. As the national board treasurer, I hope to help the local IEEE create more events to peak interest in technology (such as the arduino workshop) and continue building professionalism within IEEE as we have seen in the past year. Along with these local events, I hope to foster more interest in the regional organization, hopefully building more connections with the other schools around while also expanding networks for our members with others around this technologically budding region. I believe with these goals attained, that UMBC can grow this chapter even more by having the IEEE find more ways to retain and keep the interest of students while fostering a culture that is encourages cooperation, professionalism, and overall encouragement of positive progress. As Treasurer of the National Board I will strive to retain more members in the chapter by helping our members find more opportunities around our region and helping maintain a budget that can maximize both our interest in technology and grow us as professionals. Thank you for your time and I hope to continue to build a better IEEE with you all.
Ashish SinghMy name is Gurashish (Ashish) Singh and I am running for the Secretary position of the National IEEE student branch. I am Computer Engineering major in my senior year, currently working as a Research Assistant. Over the course of my studies, I have developed a strong passion to learn by doing. As an IEEE officer, I plan to share my passion to encourage my fellow students to get involved in projects to create a better community of engineers at UMBC.