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IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
You do not have to be an electrical engineer to be a part of IEEE: everyone is welcome, with the only requirement being to have a passion for the advancement of technology!
Submissions for the UMBC IEEE Student Branch executive board elections have began!
Election Schedule:
Grad and Ungrad Elections are closed.
National Branch Blurb Submission:
04/07 until Friday, 05/02 at 11:59pm
National Branch Voting: 05/05 until 05/11 at 11:59pm
National Branch Winner announcement: 05/12
Blurb: A small description about you (including your year and major) and why you are running for that position.
Below you will find more information on the election process, including the procedure to run for an Officer position.
Blurb: A small description about you (including your year and major) and why you are running for that position.
Below you will find more information on the election process, including the procedure to run for an Officer position.
IEEE National Student Branch Officer positions (See attachment for specifics):
To run for the UMBC National student branch above, you must be either a grad or undergrad who is already subscribed to the national IEEE with an IEEE member number, in addition to being a student in good academic standing and is subscribed to our mailing list and myUMBC group. You can run for both National and Undergrad/Grad positions - i.e. the USB chair can be the National secretary, and etc.
IEEE Undergraduate Student Branch (USB) Officer positions:
- Chair: Will be responsible for leading the IEEE Undergraduate Student Branch overall. S/he will also be responsible for representing the IEEE USB in General Body meetings and Executive Board meetings, and delegating responsibilities for various task. Events and activities must be approved by the Chair before sent to committees and funds must be approved before being forwarded to the Treasurer.
- Vice-Chair: Will be responsible for assisting the Chair in leading the IEEE USB and helping to run the branch smoothly. If the Chair is not present, the VP will take upon her/his responsibilities
- Secretary: Will be responsible for taking minutes at meetings, keeping track of undergraduate student attendance and reporting the activities to the branch. S/he will be the point person for external relationships.
- Treasurer: Will manage the accounts and funds for the IEEE USB. S/he’ll be responsible for attending the SGA treasurer training session, and working with the Executive Board to generate a budget plan.
- Member At Large: Will support the other executive board members by facilitating their responsibilities as well as managing member recruitment/retention, managing fundraising activities in cooperation with the Treasurer and developing and managing projects.
IEEE Graduate Student Branch (GSB) Officer positions:
- Chair: Will be responsible for leading the IEEE Graduate Student Branch overall. S/he will also be responsible for representing the GSO in the GSA Senate meetings and external events. Funds must be approved by the Chair before being forwarded to the Treasurer.
- Vice-Chair: Will be responsible for assisting the Chair in leading the IEEE GSB and helping her/him to run the branch smoothly.
- General Secretary: Will be responsible for reporting the activities to the IEEE SB GSA. S/he will be the point person for external relationships.
- Treasurer: Will manage the accounts and funds for the IEEE GSB. S/he’ll be responsible for the annual budget report along with the payments.
Email me your blurb at Once I receive and we revise the blurb, I will be posting the blurbs as soon as possible on the myUMBC group to allow everyone to read about who is running for what positions.
- if you win USB/GSB, you MUST be an official IEEE member or become one within a week after the election date
- if you win USB/GSB, you MUST be an official IEEE member or become one within a week after the election date
- to run for National, you MUST already be an official IEEE member
- to run and vote, you must be part of the myUMBC Group- Voting will be done through the myUMBC group discussion polls -- more details coming later
***** Links *****
IEEE Student Branch myUMBC group:
Official IEEE Membership page: