Facts about Sunburns - What Should YOU Do?
posted almost 13 years ago
We all know they happen, but what should you do?
A little less than 50% of people will get a sunburn this year.
Each sunburn increases a person's chance of getting the two most common forms of skin cancer (Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma). These sunburns don't have to be severe, but rather can accumulate over time.
Severe sunburns are more closely linked to melanoma, and these can happen only once.
Easiest time to burn? Between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, which means you should seek shade.
It actually takes up to 6 HOURS for the full effect of a burn to surface, which means you can start burning in the morning, not notice or treat it, and keep burning for the rest of the day, and make it worse.
As soon as you notice a burn, take a cool shower.
Immediately moisturize.
Keep hydrating!! This means LOTS OF WATER!!
Take an ibuprofen to reduce swelling.
Seek immediate medical care if you think you or a friend is experiencing signs of sun poisoning or if it covers more than 20% of the body and blisters.
For more information, come to Don't FryDay! On May 2nd!
(edited almost 13 years ago)
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