Hello, all.
I just wanted to make a quick announcement, so everyone knows what's going on this semester!
Leadership for The Garden has changed. I will no longer be the President of this organization, because I will not be returning to the university this year, and the officers of the organization will suss out positions and whatnot for the rest of the term. (If you email me regarding Garden business, I will just forward your messages to the highest TG officer.)
I am gratified to have spent the last year at UMBC and with The Garden (and various other Eco orgs) last semester. I'm sad to be going, but I know this year is going to be great! I wish the best of luck to the Board and The Garden's collaborating organizations, and I know you all will be successful in whatever you do.
To all, please, do not hesitate to join this organization. The Garden is full of passionate individuals, who want to make a difference and better the world. Elections for officer positions will take place in mid or late November, so I urge you all to consider running for something if you care about the environment and people, and if you want to have loads of fun while at UMBC.
Good luck on your year, and I hope to see you all very soon.
Best Always,
Andy Clark
PS: If you want/need forwarding information and I have not given it to you, please shoot me an email.