Interested in helping new computing majors transition to UMBC and their majors?
1 Teaching Fellow (aka TA) and 2 Peer Mentor positions are available for fall 2014. The course, CMSC101/IS101Y is for new freshmen computing majors (BTA, CS, CMPE, and IS) that will be taught by Dr. Seaman (IS) and Dr. Martin (CWIT).
Please read the attached job descriptions for more details. Must be a continuing BTA, IS, CS, or CMPE major.
TA Requirements: Juniors with at least a 3.0 GPA are eligible. Must be able to attend the lecture which meets on Tuesday and Thursday 1-2:15. 10 hours/week, $10 per hour.
Peer Mentor Requirements:Sophomores with a 3.0 are eligible for the peer mentor position. Must be able to attend the professional development session Fridays 1-2 pm. 4 hours per week, $9.25 per hour.
To apply send your resume, unofficial UMBC transcript and class schedule to Dr. Susan Martin, by 5 PM, Friday August 8th.