Over the past 3 months DPS IT has been looking more closely at the color print overage charges for the Xerox copiers located in the University Center and the 4th floor of Sherman Hall East. We have been consistently over in color prints at a higher level than normal for the last 3 months which causes our monthly bill to increase significantly. Periodically overages are going to happen and that is fine, but this recent surge has been consistent.
We ask that you please be mindful of when printing/copying in color. If you need to print in color please do so. That is what the machines are for. But if it is something that doesn't warrant printing in color please refrain. To give an example of something that you may want to think about printing in color is a document that has one item (i.e. a letter or a bar) in color on it. Even though it is one small item that is in color we get charged for a color print.
Some things you can do to help. Make sure the default when you print from your computer is set to black and white. If you need any assistance with this please contact DPS IT via http://dpshelp.umbc.edu . The copiers should be set by default to copy in black and white.
Thank you for your cooperation.
DPS IT Systems