Emailed to on 11/25/2014:
In an attempt to become more accessible to support DPS, DPS IT Systems will be fielding support questions via the DPS Google+ Community. For some time we have seen as well have exercised the use of social media to contact companies in order to obtain technical support. For example we have reached out to Basecamp via Twitter for support which has been helpful. So our thinking is for questions that we or others in DPS may be able to answer we suggest trying to pose them in the DPS Google+ Community. If the inquiry cannot be answered via social media then we will request that you open a ticket with DPS IT so we can further research the issue.
Now DPS IT will still maintain the 2 primary ways to contact support which are:
Help Desk Line: 410-455-5532
The DPS Google+ Community is just another available option. To be a member of The DPSGoogle+Community is a voluntary option and if you would like to join just reply to this email asking for an invite. The only requirement in order to be an eligible DPS Google+Community member is you have to be a current member of the email list. If for some reason you are removed from the email list then you will be removed from the DPS Google+Community. Also you have the option of leaving the community at any time you wish.
DPS IT Systems