UMBC Green Pledge Feedback, Spring 2014
Post your questions and ideas here.
posted almost 11 years ago
UMBC Green Pledge is a movement of people, pledging to make a difference for humanity. You can read about it at the Green Pledge Hub and Green Pledge Updates.
Thank you for keeping the green commitment alive! Let us know how you'd like to make a difference!
Also we love hearing about what we're doing well, and what we could improve. You can give us feedback and we can brainstorm here :)
You can also answer the poll for fun too :)
Thank you for keeping the green commitment alive! Let us know how you'd like to make a difference!
Also we love hearing about what we're doing well, and what we could improve. You can give us feedback and we can brainstorm here :)
You can also answer the poll for fun too :)