Raised by Robots
Please help me by filling out this survey
posted about 11 years ago
If I could have 10 to 15 minutes of your time, it would be sincerely appreciated. I have made a survey that I intend to use as a source of research for a final paper in my Honors Seminar: Robots in Society. My paper (working title "Raised by Robots") is essentially on robots and childcare. While I can research the technological feasibility of such an endeavor, a survey would be helpful at gauging the human willingness to hand our children over to robots. The survey can be found at bit.ly/1gAjUeL and please feel free to email me at dime1@umbc.edu if you are confused by any of the questions.
(I have disabled comments so that a discussion below will not influence subsequent respondents' answers to the survey.)