Error message when adding CHEM 102 LAB?
I'm taking CHEM 101 now and will add 102 + LAB next semester
posted about 11 years ago
Hello everyone,
So I tried to add CHEM 102 LAB and it seems that there is something wrong. This error message keep showing when I click [finish enrollment]
"Error: Unable to add this class - requisites have not been met.
You must complete CHEM101 or CHEM101H and CHEM102 or CHEM102H all with a C or better. CHEM102 or CHEM102H can be completed or taken concurrently."
You must complete CHEM101 or CHEM101H and CHEM102 or CHEM102H all with a C or better. CHEM102 or CHEM102H can be completed or taken concurrently."
I don't understand why I can't. Since I'm qualified to add CHEM 102, why not CHEM 102 L? Why not both?
Anyone with the same issue here?
Thanks in advance folks.
(edited about 11 years ago)
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