Quotes thread (inspiring or funny)
(Or just your favorites)
posted over 11 years ago
Here I'd like people to post quotes that they find inspiring, funny or just cool. Lemme start with some quotes I like, starting with ones I've quoted here.
"This isn't funny anymore..." -Mega Man Zero 2
"the world goes on, stupid and brutal, but I do not. I DO NOT." -Revolution
"I am me, and that's all there is to it." -translation of Bad Apple
Now some other quotes I like:
"There aren't any good guys, there aren't any evil guys, there aren't any innocent guys... it's just a bunch of guys!" -Zero Effect
"You think you can beat ME with that? Loser." -Gradius Gaiden
"To argue with a fool is to prove that there is another." -Chinese proverb
"Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki!" ("Pole and Hungarian are first cousins") -Polish proverb
"Lengyel, Magyar, két jó barát!" ("Pole and Hungarian are -best friends-" - key difference) -Hungarian proverb
As you can expect from the examples I gave, pretty much anything is welcome. Even responses by you to quotes that already exist. Example:
"I was born out of the greediness of mankind. While men exist, so will I!" -Bacterion
Yeah, that may be true, but hope and courage live in the human heart too. So if you ever think about causing trouble again... *wink* you can count on someone like me to be there for ya~
Damn you, brohouism, I thought I killed you in me!
I never die. You can never escape the Hakurei Border.
Are you not dead? Begone!
I am part of you. Only if you accept me will you become whole.
Fuck you, you're not a part of me!
Whoa, whoa, yukkuri shiteitte ne (take it easy)...
Well, in that case... It's on!
"This isn't funny anymore..." -Mega Man Zero 2
"the world goes on, stupid and brutal, but I do not. I DO NOT." -Revolution
"I am me, and that's all there is to it." -translation of Bad Apple
Now some other quotes I like:
"There aren't any good guys, there aren't any evil guys, there aren't any innocent guys... it's just a bunch of guys!" -Zero Effect
"You think you can beat ME with that? Loser." -Gradius Gaiden
"To argue with a fool is to prove that there is another." -Chinese proverb
"Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki!" ("Pole and Hungarian are first cousins") -Polish proverb
"Lengyel, Magyar, két jó barát!" ("Pole and Hungarian are -best friends-" - key difference) -Hungarian proverb
As you can expect from the examples I gave, pretty much anything is welcome. Even responses by you to quotes that already exist. Example:
"I was born out of the greediness of mankind. While men exist, so will I!" -Bacterion
Yeah, that may be true, but hope and courage live in the human heart too. So if you ever think about causing trouble again... *wink* you can count on someone like me to be there for ya~
Damn you, brohouism, I thought I killed you in me!
I never die. You can never escape the Hakurei Border.
Are you not dead? Begone!
I am part of you. Only if you accept me will you become whole.
Fuck you, you're not a part of me!
Whoa, whoa, yukkuri shiteitte ne (take it easy)...
Well, in that case... It's on!