Dear UMBC, your system is STUPID
Fix your cash ad cards system on campus
posted over 11 years ago
So the library doesn't have cash and wont give you change for your money is something understandable because they don't deal with money, but why on Earth did the CIC refuse to give me change for my money. I have been told "giving change will mess up the system", what SYSTEM? you mean the stupid system that requires you to have funds on your card to cover the most expensive item in the vending machine in RLC just to buy a $1 pencil. The system that makes you go around the whole campus from one building to another looking for a working vending machine to buy a drink cuz all food places are closed on campus. I won't even talk about printing and adding money to the school card which has more stupid rules. PLEASE, I am only asking for one request, act as you are suppose to be, an intelligent and excellent school that must not have such poor inconvenient system. I like UMBC, just surprises me how really small things that shouldn't even be on a discussion board, are so neglected. Just one more thing, are you guys gonna do anything with the RAC, like should I live on the hope of seeing any changes to that building before I graduate or should I wait for my kids (which I don't have currently) to go to UMBC and tell me how they might have added an AC instead of that old, broke, and unsafe metal fan.
SGA, please contact me. I really need to see CHANGE in this wonderful campus and I know we make the change so I am starting with myself
SGA, please contact me. I really need to see CHANGE in this wonderful campus and I know we make the change so I am starting with myself