An Agenda for America
Principles for American renewal.
Here, I will outline principles and proposals to restore American prosperity. The goals of this agenda are many. First, I want to promote policies that will end the recession, creating jobs and enabling hardworking Americans to build their wealth. The proposed policies will also remove barriers to innovation and entrepreneurship by eliminating burdensome regulations and reducing unnecessary taxes.
This agenda will, in addition, target entitlement and spending programs for abolition, with the goal of creating a budget surplus and proceeding toward debt reduction.
Finally, I will outline social policies to strengthen the family unit and end the brutal, murderous practice of abortion.
1. The establishment of a 10% flat income and corporate tax rate at the federal level. This will greatly increase the amount of money available to most taxpayers, while adding all other income-earners to the tax rolls. Everyone will share a proportional element of the national tax burden. Families will have more money to spend on their children and on any emergency expenses.
Currently, 49.5 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. They must contribute to our national future.
All deductions and loopholes would be removed from this altered tax code.
2. The elimination of all other federal taxes, including payroll, estate, and gas taxes.
3. The abolition of Social Security. The government has no constitutional right to force Americans to provide for their retirements. Instead, we should be permitted to add money to a private account, with a greater potential for earning.
4. The elimination of all federal involvement in health care. Obamacare would be repealed. Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP would be abolished. These programs add to costs for the consumers, as well as comprising a great portion of the federal budget.
Prohibitions against purchasing across state lines would be lifted, and tort reform would be passed in Congress. All Americans would be granted the option of a simple health savings account from birth.
5. The removal of any barriers to energy development, be it through hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), drilling offshore, or entrepreneurial endeavors to invent futuristic energy sources.
6. The elimination of foreign aid. Personal charity enables provides Americans with the option to contribute money toward endeavors that they choose, rather than providing money to dictatorships and state sponsors of terror.
7. Investment in a next-generation military. We remain the greatest military power on Earth, but, with rising threats across the globe, our military must be expanded in manpower and technological capacity.
Any countries or organizations acting contrary to our national interests would be strongly encouraged to cease their activities.
8. The complete support of Israel. The Israeli state is the only truly democratic government in the Middle East. Furthermore, it is an important strategic ally.
9. The criminalization of abortion. This practice is murder, as there is no persuasive way to argue that the fetus is not human. There are no circumstances under which such a procedure would save the mother’s life. Over 50 million unborn children have been murdered since Roe v. Wade.
The institution of marriage exists to ensure that children have parents of both genders available to nurture them. There is also a clear biological basis for hetersosexual relationships.
As such, the federal government, under this plan, would ban marriages not between one man and one woman.
10. The following Cabinet departments would be abolished: Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, and Transportation.
Homeland Security would also be abolished. Its functions can be coordinated between Justice and Defense.
State and Treasury would be significantly downsized.
In addition, the EPA, SEC, FINRA, and CFPB would be eliminated. The IRS would be relegated to a limited number of cubicles in Washington.
11. The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional. Our Constitution states that the regulation of our currency is to be managed by Congress, not a central bank. See Article 1, Section 8.
Providing a single, unelected individual with the power granted to the Fed chairman is anathema to our open, republican (no, not a partisan reference) form of government.
As such, it would be abolished.
12. All offices and facilities used for any programs that I propose be eliminated would be sold or rented to private-sector entities. The revenues deriving from these arrangements would be allocated to debt reduction.
13. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be abolished.
14. As a matter of transportation security (airports, for instance), the states would utilize private contractors. There would be no federal involvement.
15. All American families would be given vouchers to ensure that they be permitted school choice.
16. Federal intervention in college funding would cease.
17. In order to vote, all Americans would have to pass a test assessing knowledge of our history and founding documents, as well as the major issues at the time of test-taking.
18. MSNBC, CNN, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, and all other leftist media organizations would be outlawed.
19. The states would coordinate and take control of certain functions no longer under federal auspices after the implementation of these reforms.