Join me To Talk w/ Dr.Young/Dr.Hrabowski about our concerns
This is in regards to student facilities (ie gym, lab, LH's)
This is in regard to the following topics relating to the gym, and more so the facilities in general.
I will follow the paragraph with emails between Myself, Dr.Hrabowski, and Nancy Young (Vice President for Student Affairs).
In short, would anyone like to join me in chatting with Nancy Young and possibly Dr.Hrabowski about the topics above? The time and date are not set, but I can only imagine this would be some stuff the SGA or school newspaper may want to address or know more about.
If you are interested post here, please try to keep the trolling and what not out of this thread. I am attempting to better the state of the facilities provided to students, despite myself graduating in 4 months. I will literally see none of the rewards or benefits of this talk.
So how about it, anyone want to join me?
I wanted you to know that I've had a chance to read and reflect on the student comments, and I take this matter very seriously. We have to make progress on this matter as soon as possible. You'll be hearing from Dr. Young or Dr. Brown shortly.
Freeman Hrabowski