Jury Duty
What to do when you're STUCK!!!
posted about 14 years ago
Ok...I can't say anything about my jury duty case but I can say that I have NO idea when I'm going back to my classes. Technically, I never even got a chance to go to classes in the first place because jury duty started exactly on Jan. 26th. I'm getting more and more worried that I'm gonna fail because I'm missing like the first two weeks (maybe more) of my classes. I've talked to my professors over email and they all seem willing to work with me...but how much can they do before there's nothing they can do to help me? I mean...are they gonna give me a month's worth of makeup work to do while I'm trying to do the normal work? How would I even balance that workload?!
Has anyone had experience like this before with jury duty? Or perhaps with any extended absence at all? Can someone provide me with some information on what I'll have to do to make up the work? Am I gonna have to withdraw from the semester? I'm so close to graduating...I don't want to...
Also...if any of the people who respond to this discussion are in the following classes:
~ ART210 MoWe 10-11:50
~ GWST322 TuTh 2:30-3:45
~ PSYC345 MoWeFr 9-9:50
Can I PLEASE get the notes or something? Pretty please with a cherry on top? I'm dying here...
P.S. Telling the judge that I have class doesn't work...I told him that in the first place and he didn't care, lol.