GEP requirements
How do I know if I have met them all?
posted over 12 years ago
As a senior facing my final semester here at UMBC I have to start looking into graduation. Is there a way to tell what gep requirements I have met, besides going through my transcript and checking my self? Thanks in advance.
(edited over 12 years ago)
Selected Answer...
It's 3am, shouldn't you be sleeping right now? Lol, follow this procedure:
1. Hover over topics on the myUMBC webpage and click on "Classes & Grades"
2. Click on "Student Schedule & Registration"
3. On the top section, click on "Self Service"
4. Click on "Degree Progress/Graduation"
5. Click on "My Academic Requirements"
If you scroll down a bit, the GEP Requirements are there, including what you have taken to complete each category.