Hillside Apartments - Please Paw
posted over 12 years ago
To whom it may concern (I'm assuming reslife),
I live in the Hillside Apartments and it has come to my attention that I am not alone in some of the concerns I have with the apartments.
1) The light outside that stays on every night. Since we have no control over that light, is residential life covering the fee for that in our utilities? There is a light switch that is near the door and one could assume that they were built to go together, but they have yet to be connected.
2) The fan over the stove barely makes a noise when you turn it on. While the fan should not stop the alarm from going off for smoke or a fire, I believe it could cut back on the amount of times the fire alarm goes off over a little steam.
3) The Wifi is actually pretty horrible! When you sit in the common room close to it, it works great, but the further away from the connection you are the worse it is, thus rooms C and D suffer.
I am appreciative for the new facilities, but after talking to people who live in other Hillside apartments I believe these issues need to be brought to the attention of someone who has the authority to actually do something about it. Thanks for listening. =)
Feel free to take this topic and run with it (because these discussions have a tendency to do that), but at least try to keep it respectful. Thanks again.