6 Free copies of Black Ops 2 from my website
Socialize, Stay Informed, Win Free Stuff
posted over 12 years ago
Hey guys so I made my own website @ www.yourtechview.com
I'm trying to shape it into a mix between facebook and engadget.
Check it out! While you're there, you can sign up to win 1 of 6 free copies of
Black Ops 2 for the Xbox 360 or PS3. The games were pre-ordered so you get the special code with the game if you win.
Just make sure you're subscribed to my youtube channel which you can do from here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMd3-qk0C0Q&feature=plcp
Also make sure you are a registered member.
Sign-up page: http://yourtechview.com/contests/blackops2.php
Thanks for your time guys,
-Markus P.
(edited over 12 years ago)