Question on foreign language.
Noob to UMBC
posted almost 14 years ago
I'm interesting in taking Russian to fill my general education requirements. I can speak and understand Russian but I can't read or write.
Should I start in 102 or should is it possible to go to 202?
I'd ask the office, but I lost the phone number. I'm kinda new to this UMBC thing and the search bar hasn't helped too much. If someone can provide it I'd be very grateful.
Thank you in advance!
Selected Answer...
What you want to do (since this happened to me with Spanish) is email the professor and explain your situation. They're probably going to ask you to meet with them one-on-one to discuss possible options.
Generally, the 101 classes introduce you to writing the language in question so it would be best that you consider that your safest bet. If you've got good speaking skills, you may be able to skip 102 with a professor's permission (but don't quote me on that, it really is an individual-case basis).
You should be able to find the professor on that page as well as the chair of the department. :)