Chic-fil-a in Light of Recent Events
I think we need to have Chic-fil-a removed from campus.
posted over 12 years ago
In light of the recent new that Chic-fil-a openly opposes LGBT rights, I feel that as a campus, we need to band together to show our LGBTs and Chic-fil-a that we won't tolerate bigoted business and hate policies. We need to fight to replace Chic-fil-a to show them how the student body feels.
I'm loving all of the honest discussion that is happening. Seeing the views from both sides has really made me think! I wanted to clarify a point, though. My issue is not with the CEO's right to his own views, but with his insistence to use company money to fund organizations that directly oppose the right to same-sex marriage (source: Although I don't enjoy hearing about homophobic,etc, viewpoints, I have no right/ability to change that or punish the individual for it. Rather, I'm bothered that he is allowing his discriminatory viewpoint to leak into his business. I don't want a multi-million+ dollar company to be using extra revenue to fund these ideas and prevent civil rights progress. Sorry if that part was unclear previously.
Edit 2: I'd like to thank Jennifer McCarroll for this excellent link that really lays out the main issues here:
Edit 3: I feel like everyone is getting so tense and defensive about this, so I felt the need to share this picture I found on my Reddit interweb travels. Perhaps this will give a little perspective as well as a good laugh at ourselves:
(edited over 12 years ago)