Walker when it comes to food....Walker in general
posted over 12 years ago
I am debating on living in Walker because of MEALS. Can anyone give their input? Is it expensive when it comes to food?
Can you also give your input about Walker?
Selected Answer...
I've been living in Walker this summer after being tethered to the Ultimate Meal Plan for the last 2 academic years. The kitchen is really nice, although you'll have to invest in your own microwave. Other than that, if you enjoy cooking, it's definitely cheaper and obviously lets you have more variety than anything on-campus. I honestly think the amenities of Walker (free/convenient laundry, included utilities, own room) beat out the campus dorms and apartments, although depending on how you do food it's still probably more expensive in the long run. Compared to the initial investment just to live on campus, however, I think the difference is totally worth it.