posted over 12 years ago
So I just got an email from UMBC saying that there's a refund available for me through the HigherOne account-whatever it is. Did a little research already and what I know so far is that I can just wait 21 days from now and HigherOne is required, by law, to send me the money in a check if I refuse to respond. Now, when I "fail to respond," do I not even go to the studentrefund website and set up my account with the card that was sent to me in the mail? Do I just sit still without doing anything? Because I was wondering if I don't even need to set up an account, how does HigherOne know the address to send my check to, but I figured that since they're connected with UMBC, they'll get my address from the school or something? I'm really not trying to get involved with HigherOne, not just from all the bad stuff I've heard but I just don't feel like having to deal with 2 banks at once.