Swim Conditioning Record--What should I do?
posted over 12 years ago
I am extremely worried and burning with anxiety right now.
I took swim conditioning last semester. That requires us to swim at least twice a week and each time should be no shorter than 30 minutes. There are two sheets to record the dates and time we swim. One is personal which we write ourselves and keep track of the dates. One is written by the lifeguard. Every time we went, we gave the lifeguard our IDs, and the lifeguard would record the dates and when we came in and left. I thought the personal sheet was only for us to keep track and the teacher won't use it for grading. Since I remember how many times I swam each week, I didn't fill it our frequently. Now that was over, the coach only looked at the sheet we filled out and decided that I did't swim enough. He gave me an F. I told him I did swim as being told, and the official sheet had the record. He said he wouldn't look over the lifeguard record just to find my name.
What should I do??? I am so worried and almost cry. I barely get Bs and all of a sudden, there is an F on my transcript.
Please help me! Please!
Selected Answer...
Re-read your syllabus to make sure you're not in the wrong in anyway shape or form. If you're not, then go to the head of the department.