Do you feel safe on campus?
A quick survey for a class project
posted about 13 years ago
This is a survey about campus safety for a class project. My group is writing a proposal about campus safety and we wanted to know how our fellow students felt about how safe the campus is. Please take the time to answer the questions below. :)
1. On a scale from 1-10, how safe do you feel the campus is overall?
2. Do you feel that there are enough security/police officers patrolling the campus?
Yes or No
3. Around what time do you leave the campus for the day?
around 11am, around 3pm, around 5pm, 7pm or later
4. Do you feel that there is enough lighting on campus during the night time hours?
Yes or No
5. How do you feel about solar-powered street lights?
a. Indifferent
b. I think they are great
c. I don't care for them
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