Herman Cain, the "To Kill a Mockingbird" candidate
Herman Cain
The last few presidential elections and especially the current presidential race is more than enough justification for why we need to go back to the original Electoral College, indirect presidential election process. How can anyone, other than those whom the media support survive the election process when a candidate can be eliminated by unsubstantiated personality assassination in the press?
Until proven otherwise Herman Cain to me is the "To Kill a Mockingbird" candidate. (For those unfamiliar with the story in "To Kill a Mockingbird" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Kill_a_Mockingbird it’s about racial injustice and the false accusations of a sexual assault made by a white woman against a black man) Taken with respect to "To Kill a Mockingbird" the allegations currently against Herman Cain are a very old racial stereotype that combines themes of miscegenation and all the other prejudicial lines that were used in the past to inflame the racial and gender issues. The result in the “Jim Crow” segregationist south was the accused would be lynched on the slightest allegation of this sort.
The prejudicial stereotype is such a cliché it was used as a joke by Cleavon Little in the movie “Blazing Saddles” (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071230/)
If Herman Cain does nothing else I hope that he will be able to defeat this false prejudicial line. Assuming Cain's innocents I am so incensed by this gross and vulgar display by Cain's opponents and the media that I am inspired to vote for him just to say no to the continuation of this racist and sexist stereotype.
So for now, Herman Cain is to me the "To Kill a Mockingbird" candidate and the this whole sad affair looks an awful lot like the same old trumped up drama that was used to lynch innocent men in the “Jim Crow” south. Given the chance, baring the emergence of any actual, verifiable proof, I hope I have the opportunity to vote for Cain, just so I can vote against this awful power play based on this awful storyline from the old “Jim Crow” south.
But what is happening to Herman Cain is the slow motion media lynching of his candidacy.