Ridiculous Opinion-based article in the Retriever Weekly
Arts and Humanities related majors are "worthless."
According to this article (link below) by Shawn Linman, Arts and Humanities based majors are "worthless" and we should "pursue [them] on [our] own time." This is one of the most ignorant articles I have ever read.
My name is Eric Kuhn. I'm a second year undergrad who is majoring in French Horn Performance and Minoring in Creative Writing. Yes, I know, most parents will cringe when they hear that combination, and so did mine...at first. But it's what I love to do. My passion is music, and I love playing the french horn. Also, I love writing. Short stories, poetry, I love expressing myself through written word.
Linman claims that taking art classes are easier than taking other classes such as biology. That's a very common myth about art classes. This makes us art majors seem lazy, and that the only reason we're taking these classes is to just get a degree. I'll admit that getting an art degree won't guarantee you a job, but in today's job market, that would be stupid and illogical to take art classes for that reason. Playing the French horn, or any instrument for that matter, or learning how to draw, dance, or act, takes a lot of dedication and hard work, as much hard work as STEM majors. Also, all these fields, especially playing an instrument, are very competitive. I practice three hours a day and am in three ensembles AND the Pep Band to make sure that I get all the playing experience I can get, to get good enough to prove myself when someone calls me for a gig, and to be the best musician I can be. You can't say we art majors don't work at our passion. Besides, STEM majors aren't for everyone. It's not that we're dumb, it's just that we tried math, science, biology, and didn't like it. There's nothing wrong with that.
If children today are taught to do only what's profitable and not what they're passionate about, then they'll never learn to stand up for what they believe in. Think about all the great musicians, like John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, and Elvis Presley. John Lennon was told by his Aunt Mimi that he would never make a living playing guitar. But he did much more than that. What the world needs is a balance of art majors and STEM majors.
What are your thoughts/opinions?