Google+ Tshirts and Google+ for Apps accounts!
posted over 13 years ago
Hey everyone,
EDIT: You can now use your email adress with Google+! We're one of about 20 school enabling this today! We're THAT cool :D Just go to an login with your umbc account.
I'll be giving out some more tshirts today! Look for a post on Google+ with my location sometime this evening after 6:30! Once you see the post run to where I am and if you're one of the first 8 people there, I'll give you a free Google+ shirt!
To find out when and where, you need to follow me on Google+ (aka put me in one of your circles).
If you're already on Google+ but don't have enough friends posting stuff yet here are a few things you can do:
1. Invite your friends! Google+ is now open to anyone
2. Follow public figures! Here's a good list:
3. Post more! If you start posting and using Google+ more your friends will follow!
4. Follow me! I post about Google and other cool stuff like free tshirts!
(edited over 13 years ago)