Google Plus and Myumbc Gmail Accounts
Why wont Google+ work with UMBC gmail accounts
posted over 13 years ago
So i was invited to the Google Plus Beta by a friend of mine and i had him send the invite to my umbc email. It seems as though the Umbc gmail works like a real Google account with email and youtube but i was not able to set up an account on Google plus because our UMBC gmail accounts are powered by Google and not real Google accounts.
I dont want to make another email, and Google Plus looks really nice, even nice enough to get back into social networking. Would you be so kind as to make us real google accounts or maybe make our accounts usable to set up a Google Plus?
If i have any of this information wrong, don't rage at me please. Id rather you enlighten us with the correct information
Selected Answer...
Google Plus will be made available for Google Apps eventually. Here read this page.