Use Caution-Chronicles of UMBC's slap in the face
posted about 10 years ago
So obviously the school's trolls...I mean administration are at it again. As you are all aware, most of us received the campus alert suggesting that there are ~icy conditions on campus pathways~ and that we should ~use caution~ while attempting to navigate said pathways. In my opinion, this serves as a big "fuck you" to students and it's UMBC's way of covering its ass if somebody ends up getting injured. Even with proper footwear, I can attest that navigating campus was not easy, even as early as 5:00 PM, maybe even earlier than that (hopefully others can confirm). Conditions continued to worsen at this point. I left my apartment at 9PM to head to the Community Center and was stuck in Terrace Circle for a good 5 minutes trying to walk uphill to the stairs, only to slide several feet backwards numerous times during this laughable ordeal. I did eventually make it but that is besides the point. I also witnessed a few people fall down a flight of stairs, not to mention a handful of my friends that angrily took to twitter stating that they fell at some point today due to the ice as well. What does UMBC constantly keep suggesting we do though? ~Use Caution~ Newsflash, UMBC, caution will not prevent injuries when it comes to ice. I had more success navigating the place over my 21st birthday this past weekend when all ~caution~ was thrown out the window. All i'm saying is these policies need reform, because no matter what statements are issued, you cannot escape the reality that 1) My fellow students and I see right through the BS and 2) Avoiding any liability is what you people live for. We get it, having classes is more important than student safety. At what point though are you going to realize that, in order to attend these oh so very important ~Honors University~ classes, we must be enabled to make it there in one piece first. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to close, or you know, pre-treat the place since you all claim to be always aware of potential bad weather.