Refugee Deportation
What says you about Refugees?
posted about 10 years ago
Alright, so I linked to a UNHCR post. I guess some of you don't like the UN or its meddling. I wonder if you like the US's efforts to undermine Honduras' sovereignty.
As you all know, there are people being deported back to their origin countries. But some of these countries, like Guatemala and Honduras, are so crime-ridden that the deportees risk getting killed. Mind you that these people likely fled to the US to escape gang violence and death threats. The militarization of police doesn't seem to help much, as it isn't so much drug cartels as gangs that are causing problems. Never mind that some of the police and military are corrupt and are involved in crime themselves.
This issue is twofold: would you like the US to continue to intervene to make Honduras an Ayn Randian society? And would you like to continue deporting people from crime-ridden countries, in which they would face likely death?
I'll say this: I'm not objective in these issues; in other words, I have bias. I know the US aided Japan, Russia, Britain, France, and Germany in plundering and ravishing China during the Boxer Rebellion, all for the sake of saving Christians and missionaries (the modern Crusade at the end of the 19th century). I am against exploitation. But enough of my views, I'll let you guys discuss.