Accents and Dialects
Ai wan yu tei mi hao speak. Na mi. Yu. O Kei? O Kei.
posted over 13 years ago
Do you have an accent? Do other people say you have an accent?
How do you pronounce these words:
- water
- daughter
- church
Do you say...
- sneakers or tennis shoes?
- washroom or bathroom or restroom?
- lollipop or sucker?
What are some other words or phrases you use or you've heard others use that just seem to be different? How about words that are said differently?
Example: My mom says water like, "Wurter" while I say, "Wahter."
There are a lot of words she pronounces strangely and a lot of idioms she uses that I've never heard. I've been told I speak very normally with no accent or dialect, though I grew up near Williamsburg, Virginia so I cannot help but call it, "Wilmsburgh."
Some of you might have parents who speak broken English. Some of you might speak English with the accent of your native tongue. Others may have a "Baltimore" accent? Puerto Rican? Irish? Australian? How about you guys?