Is UMBC forcibly data mining us through our google account?
"Please contact your domain administrator for access."
posted over 10 years ago
So today I tried to delete my google chrome search history. Why? Because, like you, I watch porn, search personal shit and browse r/gonewild on occasion. Don't judge me, Freeman knows you do too.
So I went to to delete it, but it gave me a message " We are sorry, but you do not have access to this service. Please contact your domain administrator for access." After going to my userhub, I found out that UMBC went out of their way to deny me this function on my account. How the fuck is it UMBC's business what I search, and furthermore, whether I want to delete items off my search history? I do not know about y'all, but I have searched some real personal shit in my day and I do not want my college to know about my business. Normally I incognito that shit, but sometimes I forget. So is there some way to delete my search history that is linked to my google account managed by myumbc? Because if not, be careful folks, the next time you type in "" on google chrome, because UMBC knows and they might slap you with a big ass pirating fine (also not UMBC's business to regulate imo!!) like they did to my roommate. You ever start pissing blood and search if it is an STD? UMBC KNOWS. Have you ever pondered rolling an extendo out of Diff.Eq. textbook paper (bad idea btw)? UMBC KNOWS!! Steal lab grade ethanol from Meyerhoff and wanted to know if you can drink it? UMBC KNOWS!! You get a yeast infection from fingering your vagina with an Outback Steakhouse Breadstick? UMBC KNOWS!! And that data appears to be stored by them indefinitely. No matter where you are (even if you are not using UMBC internet), if you are logged into myumbc and you forget to incognito, then the college knows everything that you search and you can never stop them. #bigbrotherhrabowski #UMBCPRISM
Shit, click "visit website" and try it yourself.
EDIT-Before you say, "just delete your browser history on the toolbar in the top right corner.." I am not a computer illiterate dumbass. Deleting your browser history does not delete your google account search history cuz one is linked to your browser while the other is linked to your account. So yeah, instead of commenting that, close out umbc, shut down your computer and go suck a fuck. Thank you.
Sorry that my writing is terrible and spotted with various curses, I am pissed and tired as a motherfucker.
(edited over 10 years ago)