Lost Senior Dog in UMBC Area!
Spotted on Sulphur Spring Rd, Benson Ave, Maiden Choice Lane
posted almost 11 years ago
Posting this from craigslist... Please be on the lookout, everyone!

Dundee was possibly spotted on Sulphur Spring Rd heading towards Benson Ave last evening [3/26] around 7 pm. The person who may have possibly spotted him could not get a positive ID on whether it was Dundee or not. Was also spotted on Maiden Choice Lane on Monday March 24 approx 2 pm heading into the Brookfield community (where he has been spotted numerous times since Saturday March 22).
Missing since March 18 from the Paradise area of Catonsville MD 21228. Wearing a blue multi colored collar with tags (micro chip & ID tag) HE IS MICRO CHIPPED!! Black and Brown (black saddle like a german shep) with a bushy tail, approx 40 lbs, neutered male, MDSPCA tattoo on inner thigh, small wound on hind leg near paw from licking and chewing. Older 8 - 9 years old, some graying around muzzle. WILL RESPOND IF HE HEARS HIS NAME (we have had a report that he did respond slightly to someone calling his name, but kept walking away).
Please contact ASAP if spotted !!!!!

Dundee was possibly spotted on Sulphur Spring Rd heading towards Benson Ave last evening [3/26] around 7 pm. The person who may have possibly spotted him could not get a positive ID on whether it was Dundee or not. Was also spotted on Maiden Choice Lane on Monday March 24 approx 2 pm heading into the Brookfield community (where he has been spotted numerous times since Saturday March 22).
Missing since March 18 from the Paradise area of Catonsville MD 21228. Wearing a blue multi colored collar with tags (micro chip & ID tag) HE IS MICRO CHIPPED!! Black and Brown (black saddle like a german shep) with a bushy tail, approx 40 lbs, neutered male, MDSPCA tattoo on inner thigh, small wound on hind leg near paw from licking and chewing. Older 8 - 9 years old, some graying around muzzle. WILL RESPOND IF HE HEARS HIS NAME (we have had a report that he did respond slightly to someone calling his name, but kept walking away).
Please contact ASAP if spotted !!!!!