Ban guitars or fine the guitarists?
They're making so much noise disturbance
posted almost 14 years ago

This thread kept for archiving.
There were both very reasonable answers/suggestions, and unreasonable ones involving name-calling, profanity, etc...
These bro's are making so much noise. I'm trying to sit here in my dorm doin' homework and getting ready for final exams. My window is closed, and yet I can hear these "Guitar Heroes" like they're right outside.
This is some heavy noise pollution. People can't get work done like this. Where are the police or campus staff to regulate this disturbance?
I think that we should ban guitars or fine the guitar players for their excessive noise. Which one do you think?
I understand it would seem unfair to ban guitars, but if we can't fine the guitarists individually, we gotta do a ban to be equally restrictive on everybody.
This is school, not band camp. Ya dig?
If the school believes that their activity is okay, then I guess I have no choice but to blast my favourite Lil' Wayne out the window album so I won't be bothered by their noise, and people can enjoy some real quality music as well.
(edited almost 14 years ago)