A Post-Snoop Reaction
Paw if you were there and you saw what I'm talking about.
posted almost 14 years ago
To those people in the front few rows who started whining almost as soon as the step show started, I invite you to join adulthood with the rest of us. You knew the first part of the concert was going to be the step competition! It said so on the ticket. If you didn't want to see it, you could've gotten there later, instead of treating the men and women who were up there working their asses off like complete shit. And later, when it HAD been going on for a long time...so what? I don't care how long it took, I don't care how much you don't like step, your mom didn't teach you to treat other human beings that way.
To every single person who was verbally abusing the steppers, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I am ashamed to be classmates with you, and it pains me to think that we'll be graduating together.
(edited almost 14 years ago)