POLL: UMBC Starbucks on Sunday?!
Hello Retrievers!
A few student leaders from the UMBC Undergraduate community have an idea for a Prove it! Campaign that we would like to introduce you to! Our idea is simple: to open the Starbucks located in the University Center on Sundays for a 16 week probationary period during the Fall 2014 semester.
We are trying to collect input from everyone in the UMBC community to strengthen our project to make it a success! We encourage you to fill out our opinion poll here: http://goo.gl/bWulgq
(Direct Link) https://docs.google.com/a/umbc.edu/forms/d/17iYvWQd545_tFnhnS9gClh1UAAkuJi8SENgk6EXA2GU/viewform
To participate in this poll, you MUST be signed into myUMBC! Please support our social media campaign by “liking” our project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarbucksSunday
--The Sunday Starbucks Team
Sarah Lilly
Joshua Massey
Austin Nam
Tyler Quade
Brandon Quade